Jyotipriya Ghosh, Leeds, Jun 2022

Divinus care is a truly Divine work! It's a noble initiative from a group of professionals, who understood the call of the hour and responded aptly with all their responsibilities towards our society. Our parents and their generation built the foundation, on which we people are constructing our own dreams. Dreams make you run after it and it's not always possible to stay close to near and dear ones to help them in their regular living at old ages despite of best of your intentions. Here people like you and me seek support from Divine care team and they are right there for us to serve our close ones, understand their need , assure them which in terms fetch a peace of mind for everyone around us. I can sleep well in another city thinking about my parents are in safe hands whether there is an emergency or they are looking for a company , a human touch to carry on. It's all about spreading happiness, which Divine care is doing everyday. Best of luck!! You will go miles with lots of blessings!!