As we grow old our physical capability lessens but the daily outdoor activity around us remains the same or increases. From regular pension to recurring deposits – there are umpteen ways to keep your finances on. However, it would mean a lot of running around too. Updating pass-books to submission of documents to various authorities can keep you on your toes. Not anymore! Why waste your time and energy standing in the queue when we can do the work on your behalf. Our caregivers would gladly do all your outdoor activities on your behalf to ease your life!

    What we provide:
    • Regular banking activities on your behalf that require long hours of waiting.
    • Accompanying for outdoor work that needs beneficiary’s presence.
    • Keeping track of Insurance renewals and Premium payments
    • Assisting in Post Office work
    • CGHS approvals and document submission for reimbursement
    • Visa & Passport Assistance.
    • Assisting Life Certificate submission in Bank