Old age is not devoid of illnesses. Kidney problems are very common among senior citizens and can significantly diminish the quality of life in one’s later years. As people age, so do their kidneys. According to recent estimates from researchers at Johns Hopkins University, more than 50 percent of seniors over the age of 75 are believed to have kidney disease.

So the only solution to the disease is Dialysis. Dialysis is a process of purifying the blood of a person whose Kidney’s are not working normally.

There are many who may need regular dialysis to keep them healthy. Dialysis is a prolonged process which needs to be done twice or thrice weekly and the entire process normally takes more than 5 hours. However, without assistance, it could be tough to manage.

During this entire process the patient may feel discomfort. Our special assistance for dialysis needs can ensure worry-free dialysis sessions.

    What we provide:
    • Booking appointments and coordinating with doctors
    • Travel assistance: Picking up the patient from home to hospital.
    • Bringing back the senior patient home safe and sound
    • Purchase of medicines, if needed